Achterhoek Ancestors

Abraham Koffers

Male 1779 -

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1696: The manor of Bredevoort is given to William III of Nassau (king of England and lieutenant of the Netherlands) as his personal property.
  • 1698: Dinxperlo gets its first school teacher: Heyne te Beest.
  • 1704: The Bredevoort fortifications are being enhanced according to the views of the famous fortification expert Menno van Coehoorn.
  • 1711: The Anabaptists build their own church in Winterswijk.
  • 1715: Lightning strikes the tower of the Winterswijk church. This causes a fire, which is quickly put out.
  • 1723: A fire destroys the neighboring town of Varsseveld.
  • 1727: Two 'contrescarps' (steep inclines) are added in front of the two gates of Bredevoort to further protect the town.
  • 1730: In Dinxperlo, sections of the common grounds are sold to clear debts with the Bredevoort administration.
  • 1748: The first complete registration of the population of the manor Bredevoort takes place.
10 1750 
  • 1750: A religious revival sweeps through Aalten.
11 1755 
  • 1755: The Bredevoort fortifications are decommissioned.
12 1759 
  • 1759: The Bredevoort garrison is decomissioned. New rules are introduced for the opening and closing of the town gates.
13 1763 
  • 1763: English troops pass through Bredevoort.
14 1765 
  • 1765: In Burlo, an agreement is reach about the border between Aalten, Dinxperlo and Winterswijk and the neighboring bishopric of Münster.
15 1775 
  • 1775: A new law is introduced for the serfs of the manor of Bredevoort. This law allows them more freedom.
16 1784 
  • 1784: An inspection shows the Bredevoort fortifications are in disarray. Plans to redevelop the fort are never executed.
17 1795 
  • 1795: With the French occupation, serfdom is abolished. All former serfs now own the farms they worked on.
18 1799 
  • 1799: Winterswijk gets its own Catholic church.
  • 1799: The noblewoman Judith van Dorth is executed for openly wearing the orange color and supporting the Dutch troops against the French.
19 1809 
  • 1809: King Lodewijk Napoleon Bonaparte visits Bredevoort.
20 1811 
  • 1811: With the introduction of the civil registration, all inhabitants are forced to chose a fixed family name. The practice of farm names is now officially abolished, although it is still in use informally today.
21 1812 
  • 1812: Many conscripted soldiers die during Napoleon's disastrous march to Moscow.
22 1813 
  • 1813: The Cossacks drive out the French occupiers.
23 1818 
  • 1818: The municipalities of Bredevoort and Aalten are combined into the new municipality of Aalten.
24 1822 
  • 1822: In the night of September 27, a fire in Winterswijk destroyed five houses, leaving 15 people homeless.
25 1824 
  • 1824: In Winterswijk, new taxes on slaughtering animals cause a riot.
26 1827 
  • 1827: Start of the division of the common grounds.
27 1834 
  • 1834: The Winterswijk church gets a new organ by the famous organ builder Naber.
28 1835 
  • 1835: Jan Willem Meijerink starts the first textile factory on the Lappenbrink in Winterswijk.
29 1844 
  • 1844: The first emigrants leave Winterswijk and Aalten for North-America.
30 1845 
  • 1845: Winterswijk Seceders get their own church at the Zonnebrink.
31 1847 
  • 1847: On Lake Michigan in the US, the ship 'Phoenix' perishes. On board were 250 emigrants, mostly from Winterswijk, Aalten and Varsseveld.
32 1856 
  • 1856: The emigrant vessel Ocean Home perishes in the English Channel off Lizard Point. 70 people drown, including several emigrants from Dinxperlo.
33 1880 
  • 1880: The railroad from Winterswijk to Bocholt in Germany is opened.
  • 1880: Piet Mondriaan, then 8 years old, moves to Winterswijk and grows up there. He would later become a famous painter.
34 1884 
  • 1884: The railroad from Winterswijk to Neede is opened.
35 1885 
  • 1885: The railroad from Winterswijk to Zevenaar, including stations at Bredevoort, Aalten and Varsseveld, was opened.

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